BudgetWorksTM, AutoSchedulerTM , On-TargetTM, and Run-RightTM are trademarks of McNally Engineers, Ltd. AcquisuiteTM and ObviusTM are trademarks of Obvius Holdings LLC. © 2007-2009 McNally Engineers, Ltd. |
The On-Target Process consists of several elements working in harmony. To reap the benefits of the Program, we use the Energy Services Process as follows: Step 1: Assess Metering, Utility Bills, Energy Star Ranking,Facility Audits, and energy engineering Analysis are used to identify changes, estimate savings, and probable cost. Potential improvements meeting client objectives and economic hurdles become part of a [multi-year] Facility Improvement Action Plan. Financing is determined. Grants and Gifts may be sought. Step 2: Implement Once the elements of the Action Plan are authorized, implementation begins. The Plan could contain Capital Projects, no-cost/low-cost Operational Changes, use of the AutoSchedulerTM , electric Demand Response, as well as assistance with gas and electricity Procurement. Step 3: Run-Right The third step involves monitoring of operations, promptly identifying and correcting inefficiencies. BudgetWorks may be used to set [and achieve] performance expectations. The HVAC Health Check-Up may be used in an on-going manner to discover HVAC inefficiencies and faults. Energy Star Ranking is used as a scorecard. Savings are tracked. EnergyBudget forecast services determine the probable cost of energy through the end of this year and the next. Energy Procurement Services are on-going. Once the On-Target Process is in place, the Sustained Benefits of Cost Savings, Facility Renewal, Energy Education, and Energy Awareness may be realized. |
On-Target/BUDGETWORKS -- a web application that puts buildings on energy budgets is now available. It uses a [near real-time] data feed from AcquiSuite data recorders. On-Target/BUDGETWORKS can do the following: 1. Monitor actual energy use and cost (with 15-minute updates). 2. Calculate energy and cost savings relative to a Baseline. 3. Simulate the impact of energy conservation changes before they are made. 4. Calculate the "slip", if any, of actual use after the changes are made. 5. BUDGETWORKS puts buildings on an energy budget. If Personnel are expected to operate the facility in accord with the budget, operational savings will occur and buildings will continue to operate at peak efficiency. On-Target/BUDGETWORKS is the "killer app" of energy services and performance contracting. It can be used to: - store the results of an audit, - simulate present performance, - calculate the energy/cost impact of various changes before they are implemented, - track actual savings after implementation, and - encourage efficient operation. On-Target/BUDGETWORKS is unique. See Classic BUDGETWORKS here. |
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